Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Amazing Grays #3 is a collection of 50 grayscale high contrast photographs for coloring or other inspiration curated and collected by Aaron Shepard and Anne L. Watson. Released 1st March 2022, it's 106 pages and is available in paperback format.

This is precisely as advertised on the cover. 50 grayscale detailed photos of a mix of subjects, printed on one side of the page only. The subjects include botanical, animal, action, portraiture, and still life studies. For readers who like the intricately done line drawing "doodles" pages, this isn't those at all. With markers, or light brush-tip Copic type markers, the grayscale will show through the overcoloring and give the finished drawings more depth and details.

I found most of the photographs attractive and some were whimsically appealing. There is no page numbering, table of contents, or index included in the eARC provided for review. I can't speak to the paper quality of the final production product (because the ARC provided for review wasn't a physical copy).

Three and a half stars. Readers who understand what the publishers are providing (50 grayscale photos on single pages) will likely be happy with the final product.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 28 February, 2022: Reviewed
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  • 28 February, 2022: Reviewed