Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Harper is completely in love with her girlfriend, Alex. But in Shewolf, the girls seems to be fighting more than usual. Mostly because of Alex's brothers. Harper just doesn't understand why she has to go home to them every night, and why they act so hostile toward her. Of course, she also doesn't know that Alex and her brother are werewolves. At least, not until one night when Harper is walking home alone and a wolf bites her.

Shewolf was really fun and sexy. The focus is, of course, on the relationship between Harper and Alex rather than the very light plot. Those girls are super into each other! When they're not fighting, they're having plenty of sex. In fact, even they are fighting, they're having make up sex! Alex is also trying to find a way to be with Harper without pissing off her family, which causes more problems. That's where the minor plot kicks in. It's fun and a bit exciting, but never goes too deep. That's okay though, because I was still enjoying Harper and Alex together.

Shewolf is a super quick read. I read straight through in about an hour. It's definitely a good piece of mindcandy, if you're looking for a fun and sexy Paranormal Romance. Just don't expect any great plot developments or deep characterization. It does have a nice ending, no cliffhanger, and it's really sweet. I certainly wouldn't mind reading more about Alex and Harper, because there's obviously more to come with them.

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  • 20 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 20 October, 2015: Reviewed