Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

If you read AIN'T HE PRECIOUS, the first book in the Sex and Sweet Tea series, you'll remember Trixie needing to save her brother Lowe when he loses his mind over a family house being sold.  In STUBBORN AS A MULE we get Lowe's POV and watch as he finds himself falling for the enemy.

I didn't like Lowe's story as much as Trixie's. It felt like his relationship with Mely was a bit forced.  These were two characters who were practically at each other's throats who very quickly fall for each other.  And when we discover Lowe is one for pulling pranks, it made me wonder why he didn't pull a few harmless pranks on Mely at the beginning.  I would have expected their relationship to change slowly, maybe after he finished the house and they realized they missed each other.

STUBBORN AS A MULE was a fun read, but it lacked some of the spark that I found endearing in Trixie's story.  I wanted the meddling family who helped these two realize what they had.  Instead, we had nosy townspeople who felt like they were more out to keep these two apart than get them together.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 16 July, 2017: Reviewed