All the Lovely Pieces by J.M. Winchester

All the Lovely Pieces

by J.M. Winchester

Motherly love can drive her to the absolute edge…

For nine years, Drew Baker has been running from her brutal husband and the dark deeds of the night she left him. Focused on protecting her ten-year-old son, Drew reluctantly settles into a small town, eager to find proof of her husband’s true nature so she can stop looking over her shoulder.

But Drew is also on the run from her own terrible crimes—ones that mean prison and separation from her son should the police catch up to her before her husband does. If only she could remember that night and what really transpired…

Without warning, the unthinkable happens, and Drew is plunged into the most nightmarish situation a woman and mother could imagine. Desperate to save her child, Drew takes matters into her own hands, proving that anyone is capable of darkness, and nowhere is safe for those who fear themselves.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Oppressively Dark Beginning. This book is *so* dark in the first half that it almost doesn't have a choice but to lighten by at least a shade or two in the back half - and even then, that shade or two brighter is about all you ever really get. I don't want to give too much away in this review, but if you have issues such that you can't or won't read books that contain any level of domestic abuse or rape, you're going to want to skip this one. Beyond that, the front half of this book in particular screwed with my mind so much - easily one of the more powerful books on that level that I've read in quite some time. To the level that I didn't want to finish it, but knew I needed to for this review - and even then, I knew it was a 5* book *because* of what it was doing to me and its excellent editing. I honestly don't know if I'll ever read another book under this name from this author, but this one is very much recommended.

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  • 2 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 2 August, 2019: Reviewed