Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

The Darkness We Hide is the finale of The Undertaker’s Daughter series featuring Dr. Rowan Dupont and the serial killer, Julian Addington who has been stalking her for most of her life. This a series that needs to be read in order, despite the author’s references to events from the previous instalments.

Rowan has finally gotten the answers she sought. Answers that were horrific, shocking and difficult to wrap one’s head around them. Readers can relate to the variety of emotions she felt on learning the truth. Despite the horrific nature of the revelations she got the closure needed to move on.

The author introduced a few new players who brought their own share of what the hell moments. These along with the existing characters would have the reader wondering who can and cannot be trusted. Almost everyone appeared suspect.

Readers will enjoy how the storyline involving the serial killer developed. What was of most interest was the manner in which the author revealed his identity to Rowan and how he escaped capture all these years. However, one may find the showdown with the serial killer disappointing. The build-up leading to that moment was intense, but when the showdown occurred it did not deliver as one would hope.

The romance between Rowan and Billy, which was served as a side dish, developed nicely and watching them finally get their happily ever after was a treat.

Overall, The Darkness We Hide is an entertaining, suspenseful and captivating story. It depicts interesting yet gruesome points regarding the mind of a serial killer. Recommended for fans of suspense and thrillers.

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