My Little Golden Book About God by Jane Werner Watson, Eloise Wilkin

My Little Golden Book About God (Little Golden Book)

by Jane Werner Watson and Eloise Wilkin

Celebrate Easter with this Little Golden Book that serves as both a gentle and comforting introduction to the concept of God. A perfect gift for your little one's Easter basket!

With poetic writing and beautiful illustrations this book shows how even the tiniest things that we might take for granted, like the “jewels on the insect’s back,” are part of God’s great plan.

Little Golden Books have been loved by children for over 75 years. When they were first published in 1942, high-quality books for children hadn’t been available at a price most people could afford. Little Golden Books changed that! Priced at just 25 cents and sold where people shopped every day, they caused an instant sensation and were soon purchased by the hundreds of thousands. Created by such talented writers as Margaret Wise Brown (author of Goodnight Moon) and Richard Scarry, Little Golden Books have helped millions of children develop a lifelong love of reading. Today, Little Golden Books feature beloved classics such as The Poky Little Puppy and Scuffy the Tugboat, plus new, original stories—the classics of tomorrow—ready to be discovered between their sturdy cardboard covers and gold-foil spines.

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Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

We read this story, as it is included in the Eloise Wilkin Stories treasury. We love this treasury, [b:Eloise Wilkin Stories|183731|Eloise Wilkin Stories|Eloise Wilkin||177563]. This story is a good reason why. In a beautifully illustrated book full of nature and joy this little book provides many examples of God in our lives. Great read with my current preschooler (#redmermaidwarrior).

[bc:Eloise Wilkin Stories|183731|Eloise Wilkin Stories|Eloise Wilkin||177563]

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  • 1 January, 2012: Reviewed
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  • 1 January, 2012: Reviewed