Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

3 of 5 stars

GenGen's Book Blog

I am actually giving this book a rating of 3.5. The reason is because it started out great, the story kept building up at a good pace but around 70% in the book took a downfall and, while the ending made up for it, it still bothered me.

Truth Or Dare is an interesting story. I enjoyed reading it a lot, even with its faults. Maggie is a free-spirited woman who, unfortunately got wronged by a guy she was in love with and she swore to never get serious about anyone again. Once Tyler comes in the picture, she can't help but re-think her decision. Tyler is a great male character that I learned to love but disliked for a while. The reason being he has a secret and instead of putting it in the past and figuring out another solution, he sticks by it, hurting Maggie in the process. And I didn't like how Maggie just accepted him back without a second thought. I know they love each other but staying accepting him so easily without letting him make an effort to gain her back didn't sit well with me.

Besides from the faults I mentioned, the story was great. It was slow paced but it fit perfectly with the setting of the story. I am looking forward to Touch & Go, which has the story of Ava and Sam, two characters that the reader gets to meet in Truth Or Dare—two characters that I completely love.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 September, 2014: Reviewed