Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Have I told you lately how much I love Doris O'Connor? Well, if I haven't, allow me to tell you now. I LOVE DORIS O'CONNOR!!! I thank Doris for my love of shifter books. The very first one I read was one of hers, and I haven't missed a single one since. Each new one becomes my favorite, and "Her Bear Protector" is no exception. It's hard to believe but it is even sexier than all of the others. I was ready to combust with each new, hot scene.

First, there is Ronan. How do I describe Ronan? He's a Harley riding, tattooed, ultra Alpha bear shifter. He's also A-MAZ-ING!!! He radiates heat, passion and human AND bear form. He has a job to do, but he can't help the pull he feels toward Tina. She runs a cleaning service, and she admittedly fantasizes about her hot client.

The story quickly takes off from there. It's not a very long book, so it HAS to be quick. However, it doesn't FEEL quick. It's perfectly paced, and there's a lot more going on than a bear claiming his mate. There are delightful background characters (and a few that aren't so delightful) like Mrs. Hastings, the local witch. Everyone should be fortunate enough to have a Grandma like her. She'll make you laugh hysterically, and she'll charm you completely. She's the perfect to balance the panty melting sex.

I can't say too much more, or I'll give away all the good stuff. You have to trust me on this one. "Her Bear Protector" is a wonderful trip into a a town full of fantasy that you'd love to visit...and maybe stay awhile. It's incredibly erotic, with BDSM elements, so you will encounter some spankings and other lovely toys. There's even a very memorable scene near a weeping willow tree that will make your knees weak.

Doris has done it again, and you owe it to yourself to grab this book.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 8 November, 2014: Reviewed