Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Before I begin my review I must admit that I am a big mystery fan.  Yeah, I know I  have not read much of this genre lately, but I do intend to rectify that.  It was with this in mind that led to my decision to read and review this title.
This is my first time reading John W. Mefford’s work so I had no idea what I would be getting myself into.  However, based on the blurb I figured this was going to be an exciting and riveting read.  From the moment I began reading I knew I was right in my assumptions.  I was hooked and could not wait to uncover the mystery of the bombings.
Booker T. Adams is a bi-racial police officer who does not take kindly to fellow officers who feel that they are above the law.  He is a by the book cop and will not lie to protect his colleagues.  It was this belief that led to him facing a four week suspension with the likelihood of him losing his job.  Suspension however, does not mean he stops acting like a cop. He was not about to let his not having a badge or gun prevent him from doing what he knows best.   He was further motivated when a bomb explosion hit too close to home.   He is determined to find out who is responsible for this act of terrorism.
The story is told from the POV of Booker and the person who is responsible for the bombings.  This allows readers to get a feel of what they are feeling and what motivates them.  I enjoyed reading about each of the characters.  The way in which they were portrayed made it easy to relate to them.
Streets of Mayhemis an exciting, fast paced,  explosive and suspenseful read that will keep you on your toes.  It will keep you guessing at every turn.  It has all the ingredients that make for a good mystery.
If you enjoy spine tingling mysteries and you are looking for a story that will keep you guessing from one minute to the next then this one is for you.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 March, 2015: Reviewed