Everlast by Andria Buchanan

Everlast (Chronicles of Nerissette, #1)

by Andria Buchanan

Allie Munroe has only ever wanted to belong, maybe even be well liked. But even though she's nice and smart and has a couple of friends, she's still pretty much the invisible girl at school. So when the chance to work with her friends and some of the popular kids on an English project comes up, Allie jumps at the chance to be noticed. And her plan would have worked out just fine...if they hadn't been sucked into a magical realm through a dusty old book of fairy tales in the middle of the library. Now, Allie and her classmates are stuck in Nerissette, a world where karma rules and your social status is determined by what you deserve. Which makes a misfit like Allie the Crown Princess, and her archival the acullery maid. And the only way out is for Allie to rally and lead the people of Nerissette against the evil forces that threaten their very existence.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Magic makes me happy and the magicalness of Everlast did not disappoint. Therefore, Everlast makes me happy. The story took off right away, thrusting us into the magical realm of Nerissette along with Allie and her friends (and not-so friends). Turns out that what Allie had thought were just fairy tales her mom use to tell her are true stories from another life. She's the lost princess and rightful heir to the thrown of Nerissette, a kingdom in desperate need of helping. Once Allie and her friends realize that they won't be getting home anytime soon, they each settle into their new roles, and Allie realizes that not everyone is there to help her. There's an evil wizard out to control everything and everyone, and she has step up and stop him. Yes, it's the cliche evil wizard is evil plot, but it was exciting and entertaining, which is what counts.

The first thing about Everlast which stood out to me were the characters. In good and bad ways, but I'll start with the good. Allie is the typical, nice, unpopular, smart girl who's really a princess. I liked her though! She isn't a damsel in distress when things get tough, but she also doesn't try to act like she knows more than she does. She has two best friends, Winston and Mercedes, who are actually good friends to her! There's no weird polar opposites, where she feels left out or picked on. They're a true trio and I loved it! Winston is also the love interest (yes, singular!) and a person of color! So much love for Winston! Now for the bad: Jesse and Heidi. They are the stereotypical popular kids, and they're both idiots. I was actually surprised by some of things to come out their mouths. There's no depth to them at all, and it was a bit disappointing. Then there's a whole mess of characters in Nerissette that are all their own unique individuals!

The world building of Everlast was also pretty great! A book of fairy tales acts as a portal to bring people over into Nerissette, and there's also a magic mirror that can send them back and forth, but it's a bit more complicated than the book. There's a talking cat, dragons, dryads, mermaids, goblins, trolls, giants, wizards, and pixies! So many magical beings in one place, but they all had their distinct roles within the world. Oh, and there's enchanted furniture that behaves differently depending on who's interacting with it. I love that! Of course, there's also myths and prophecies which drive the plot forward. Not quite as fun, but still kind of interesting.

Everlast was a wonderful introduction to this trilogy! It sets the stage really well, and while there were no real twists or surprises, I really enjoyed it. It also doesn't end on a cliffhanger, which is nice. It read like one full adventure, but there were some loose ends so that the story can continue. Allie may have defeated evil this time, but there's much more lurking around in the shadows. I'm definitely looking forward to more of Nerissette and I'm rooting for Allie to succeed in her mission to save her kingdom!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2013: Reviewed