Code Red by Lisa Lister

Code Red

by Lisa Lister

Your period has power. Embrace your natural cycle, work with your hormones and connect to the innate feminine wisdom of your menstrual cycle.

Your period is way more than PMS, carb cravings and lady rage - it's actually a 4-part lady code that, once cracked, will uncover a series of monthly superpowers that can be used to enhance your relationships with others, build a better business, have incredible sex and create a 'bloody' amazing life.

Code Red, from the Creatrix of, Lisa Lister, is a call to action. A rallying cry that dares you to explore,...Read more

Reviewed by herseriallife on

5 of 5 stars

Awesome book to be read by every women and girls!

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  • Started reading
  • 25 February, 2021: Finished reading
  • 25 February, 2021: Reviewed