The Gardener by Sarah Stewart

The Gardener

by Sarah Stewart

A series of letters relating what happens when, after her father loses his job, Lydia Grace goes to live with her Uncle Jim in the city but takes her love for gardening with her.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

This is another Memoria Press Classical or Curriculum recommendation for a read aloud for us, and again, their recommendations do not disappoint. The end of this one brought a choke to my throat and moistness to my eye. Set in 1934-1936, a young girl by the name of Lydia Grace is sent to live with her uncle in the city until things at home improve. Written in a letter home format telling the story with attractive illustrations with plenty for the eyes to see, we read through this one with anticipation. It is beautiful in so many ways and well deserving of the Caldecott.

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  • 16 April, 2013: Reviewed