Love Like Sky by Leslie Youngblood

Love Like Sky

by Leslie Youngblood

Eleven-year-old Georgie is still adjusting to leaving Atlanta for a small town, having a stepfather, and being unable to get close to her stepsister when her six-year-old sister, Peaches, suddenly becomes very ill.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

5 of 5 stars

>>Contains: divorced & re-married parents, blended families, step siblings, dead siblings, health and disabilities, fat shaming, grief, bullying, police brutality and protesting,
>>I love the cover.
>>Quick to fall in with the flow, voice, and finish in one sitting for adults and advanced readers. Middle graders will find it hard to put down and forget wanting to know what happens next with these relatable characters.
>>Super adorable and sweet throughout. There's a lot of heavy stuff going on, but that's life. It's really about love, strength, and growing bonds between friends, and family, sticking together though thick and thin.
>>Very emotional! Does come with a happy ending.
>>There's a lot going on, but it stays grounded, vivid and clear.
>>Brings nostalgia for adults and keeps it relevant for kids today.
>>I will absolutely be reading any sequel that follows. I really hope their adventure in Bogalusa is next!

Favorite Quotes:

"picked out everything in my favorite color--lilac, which is purple with milk in it."

"When she returned, Mama was smiling brighter than neon fingernail polish."

"It was like when I'd see someone who I used to know in first grade: we were not strangers but we had to become friends all over again."

"Have fun. And don't let them streetlights catch you."

"Mama told me that a best friend was a relative that you make for yourself. I though about that every time Nikki made me mad. I figured since I made her, I might as well keep her."

"Now I knew why maybe Tangie didn't want to cheer anymore. Maybe she couldn't jump so high because there was the same sinking feeling in her stomach that I had that kept her feet on the ground."

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you chose." (Georgie quoting Dr. Seuss)

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  • 23 November, 2018: Reviewed