Reviewed by bookishzelda on

Most Likely to Succeed by Jennifer Echols is the third book in the Superlatives series. The superlatives have struck again and now Kaye is looking at Sawyer anew after finding out in Perfect Couples that the votes had been tallied incorrectly. Kaye and Sawyer should have been the perfect couple that never was. Similar to Harper, Kaye is in a relationship with a controlling boyfriend who has crazy high expectations of her. When he wanted to push her out of student council, I was like really. The difference with Aidan and Kaye is that I think their relationship had been dead for a while. They just didn’t realize it. With Sawyer cleaning up his act and being a little bit more transparent and Kaye finally noticing him. Things really start to change. Every time Kaye stands up to Aidan, I’m like bully for you!

Kaye and Sawyer. I think I was looking forward to them the most out of the superlatives couples. They lived up to my cuteness expectations. I loved them together and how awkward them getting together was. Plenty of misunderstandings a foot.

Kaye is my favorite character in the series and I was excited to finally be in her POV. It sometimes it seems like she lets Aidan and her mom push her around. Really though I think she is to tired for big confrontations. She has her own victories like being captain of the cheerleading squad. (which they audition in front of the school I thought that was interesting. ) I think of Kaye as more of the picking your battles type. She might not always handle stress the best but she is a very strong and intelligent girl.

Sawyer balances Kaye out because he is more relaxed. He’s that smart kid that doesn’t have to try. You know that one that frustrates other smart kids because he hardly works for it. The only thing with Sawyer is you would never know it. He’s more of a class clown and holds his cards close to his chest. He has not had an easy life but he manages to stay awesome. I loved when he explained to Kaye why he choose to clean up his act.

I liked the family aspect. Kaye and her mother butt heads quite frequently. Her mom came from a bad neighborhood and even though she is able to provide her kids with a good life she wants them to understand where she came from. My parents were similar so I could understand her mom on this. Of course my parents aren’t driving me to the South Side to show me their old neighborhoods that are bad now, Kaye’s mom takes it the next level. It’s a good example of a mother daughter relationship that is close but not best friend style. Her mom pushes her because she wants the best for her and the world can be a cold place. Although I was getting mad ather mom too.

I really liked this one. I think it’s definitely my favorite of the series. You could easily read this as a standalone if you really wanted to. There is enough information to get the gist of the other books. So if you like the series, this is a good one, if you are curious about the series. This is a good one.

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  • 30 July, 2015: Reviewed