Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Dates with Make You Remember

Spoiler free recap of series: A Mauvais woman scorned cast a curse on the Dumont men when one backed out of marriage to her. Since then no Dumont man has married, and all leave a wake of woman and children behind. In the first book Allie and Marc fight the curse and now it is Devyn and Beau’s turn.

First date: Devyn Mauvais’s life could not get any more complicated. Hmm, well maybe it can. She is broke, out of a job and attending her high school reunion. She is feeling confident in her consignment dress, that is until she walks in and sees the love of her life, breaker of her heart, Beau Dumont. Damn and he is looking like a dream. It unnerves her. She is torn between kissing him senseless and slapping him across the face. Ten years ago, he slipped away in the middle of the night and joined the service. He is back home for good but his biggest regret was leaving Devyn. Can he convince her to try again? Aaand I am in, from the snarky banter to the cracklin’ tension.

Second date: Beau has offered Devyn a temporary job aboard the boat, and as much as she wants to decline, she needs the money. It gives her a chance to take stock, make decisions and spend time with her sister. We get to catch up with the crew of the Belle of the Bayou and eat fried okra. I am ready to set sail, and enjoy watching these two tango. Beckett brings the heat and not just in the bedroom. I love second chance romances and just hope Devyn is willing. All that stands in the way is faith, and the Dumont curse. The one that Devyn’s grandma cast. No worries, because it is all voodoo mumbo jumbo right? I mean, it’s not real or is it?

Third date: Heat, turbulence and love make the world go round. Devyn is fighting her fears, Beau has declared his intentions and a storm is a brewing. Side stories add interesting, and even have me shedding a tear. Beckett knows how to weave a tale and I am fully vested. By the last chapters, I am holding my breath, despite really knowing how it will all end. By the time, I close the book I am smiling and craving some of Allie’s pastries.

Copy received from publisher, full review on blog.
This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 12 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 12 October, 2014: Reviewed