Time for Bed, Miyuki by Roxane Marie Galliez

Time for Bed, Miyuki

by Roxane Marie Galliez

Like children everywhere, Miyuki’s imagination peaks at bedtime, when she remembers all the things she has to do before she can possibly go to bed: she needs to water the vegetables, gather snails, and prepare for the arrival of the Dragonfly Queen. Her patient grandfather follows along on her adventures, gently encouraging her to go to sleep. In this beautiful story about family, nature, and love, young children and their parents find a welcome companion for their own bedtime journey.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Time for Bed, Miyuki is a lovely book aimed at younger children (and their caregivers). I was enchanted from page one. The story is familiar to everyone who has ever interacted with a young child. ... "Just one more thing before bed"! Luckily Miyuki's grandfather is the epitome of patience.

There is a concept called 'iterative contextual repetition' (or similar formulations), which basically says that the human brain learns by hearing and repeating the same things over and over and learning things by gradually building lists is a very effective way to learn. There are many examples of cumulative songs/poems/stories such as The 12 Days of Christmas, The Rattlin' Bog, The House that Jack Built, and others. This book uses that format very effectively for the narrative text.

Miyuki's whimsically imaginative before-bedtime to-do list includes a pavilion for the coming visit of the Dragonfly Queen (and her court), taking her snails for a walk, knitting a sweater for her cat, and more. Each activity is accompanied by full page illustrations which are breathtakingly lovely, crisp, and beautifully rendered. This is a wonderful book for children and adults alike and would make a super read-together for bedtime (or library read-along).

Superlative book. Five stars

30 pages, release date 18 September, 2018, available in hardback format.
Author: Roxane Marie Galliez
Illustrator: Seng Soun Ratanavanh
Published by Princeton Architectural Press

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 3 August, 2018: Reviewed