Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

As my friends Renee and Rel both said, [b:Digitalis|8485374|Digitalis (Discarded Heroes, Bk 2)|Ronie Kendig||13350621], the next book in the Discarded Heroes series cannot come soon enough and I fully and whole heartedly agree. [b:Nightshade|7783899|Nightshade (Discarded Heroes)|Ronie Kendig||10714222] is intense and real. Mixing up a team of veteran special ops from various divisions with a endangered marriage, a PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) SEAL in denial and anger, a wife reporter bent on discovering the black ops team with a group of missionaries in danger of Muslim terrorists and my goodness do not expect any sleep while reading this book. The pages have to go fast and as a reader you'll negotiate that it is worth a few less hours of sleep to find out what happens next.

There were so many different elements to this book that make it enjoyable that I do not even know how to begin to touch on them. [a:Ronie Kendig|3039394|Ronie Kendig|] is an awesome new author and I hope and pray that there will be much more to come from her in the days to come. Nightshade is entertaining and suspenseful. The romance is realistic and heart changing. This is a great book for someone from any spectrum. There is entertainment for all here. Highly recommended! More please. *wink*

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  • 3 July, 2010: Finished reading
  • 3 July, 2010: Reviewed