Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Shot Across the Bow is the fifth book in the Deep Six series. I was eager to slip back into the world the author created and to learn more about the featured couple, Mia and Spiro, aka Romeo. Walker piqued my curiosity about Mia and Spiro with the details she teased me with in Deeper than the Ocean.

Mia and Romeo share a mutual attraction, but refuse to acknowledge their feelings for each other. Romeo is not to type to settle down and to him Mia reeked of relationship material. While Mia believed, Romeo was out of her league, especially given her past. However, when the airplane they were travelling on was blown out of the sky and left them stranded on a deserted island, they were forced to confront their feelings.

I had a lot of fun with Shot Across the Bow. The wicked banter between the characters had me cracking up. Also, the romance which developed was passionate and sweet. The  author also treated us to another potential romance, of which more details will be provided in the next installment.

Mia and Romeo shared a special bond. She saw beyond his handsome face to the wonderful and caring person on the inside. They shared special moments. However, the moment which stood out was their shared love for a particular paranormal romance series. There were moments where Mia would read several chapters to him most nights.

Danger abounds, with Mia being the main target. This aspect of the story had me on the edge and I feared for all who were on the receiving end of the attack. Learning the identity of the main perpetrator of the attack came as no surprise.  

The details relating to tragic incidences in Mia’s past came to light, which added a somber mood to the story. It made me happy when she finally got answers. Answers, which enabled her to cease casting blame on herself and embrace the happily ever after she so rightly deserved.

Shot Across the Bow delivered an intriguing tale of jealousy, greed, friendship and love. The story was delightful from start to finish. I am so looking forward to the next book.

This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • Started reading
  • 28 November, 2021: Finished reading
  • 28 November, 2021: Reviewed