Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

Lately I've been on a MC romance kick and Angels in Leather is my 2nd fave for this category. I'm not exactly sure what it is about this genre, but it pulls me in some sort of way. NOW, I'm not a fan of all the MC books I read because well it's just sex-sex-sex for days (not complaining), but I like it when an actual story follows it. With that being said, I was extremely pleased with Angels in Leather.

I finished this book in one sitting, as soon as the ARC showed up, I read it instantly. And the thing that sold me on this the 1st chapter excerpt we got, when I signed up for this tour. Just from reading that excerpt I was completely hooked. Who doesn't like a good chase; there's doubt, questions upon questions, desire (for sure), longing, and darkness (definitely something very dark).

Huge shout out to Meadow, she has seriously gone through so much in her life and most of it just stumbled upon her doorstep with only one thing to do. After her father is killed, his last words was to deliver 'something' to "someone". And that set her running from someone that she cared about or at least thought she did? The man chasing her is not the man she use to know and it just eats away at her as she tries to figure it out.

As you all know, there's only so much running you can do before you get caught. And boy is it like fire and ice between Meadow and Axel. The tension is there the ENTIRE book, especially when they play cat and mouse, it's crazy.

In the beginning, Axel only wanted one thing and that's all he cared about. He was pretty much a dick to Meadow through most of the book, and she wanted nothing then to broke those barriers down and figure out what happened to him. She knows it's there, we all can see it, but the what is the big mystery. It's pretty obvious that it's something SO DARK, and to tell you the truth, I couldn't believe it myself. Axel is broken and Meadow will do anything in her power to fix him.

Meadow is broken and strong as well, she kept taking hit after hit, and I was so surprised she stood that long. I'd be like forget it and move on. She threw EVERYTHING that she had to Axel and sometimes he'd just toss it right back. What more do you what man? It's definitely not everyday you come across someone that will do that.

This book gets a 4.5, I was hoping the epilogue would give me more from the book, but it didn't. BUT I am excited for the next story!

There's fight in the both of them, especially Meadow and I absolutely love it. And I definitely think this an MC that all MC lovers will enjoy.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 February, 2014: Reviewed