Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

Helen Matthews is given a new lease of life. This sickly woman who has been ill as long as she can remember receives a donor heart, allowing her to finally make plans and have hope for the future. She believes she can communicate with the dead, so it's important to her to find out about the person who's heart beats inside her…

The death of a woman, falling from a car park. How did it happen? Is it a suicide, an accident or was the poor victim pushed?

The author keeps the pace as we count the days since the tragic death of Louise Lovett followed by the inquest and the conclusion. Each day adds another layer of fixation, lies and deceit as Helen makes plans based on her belief. She's surrounded by sound, caring people but she manages to pull the wool over their eyes to make her dreams become a reality. Only, is it possible to have an ability to have contact with the dead, psychic ability or is it simply her bipolar disorder?

It took a few chapters to get into the narrative but once hooked, I couldn't let go before until the final words are read. The pace is slow as the narrative builds and definitely adds to the suspense. It's captivating in a creepy way. It's a chilling tale of how someone can manipulate situations for their own gains. The obsessive actions of a woman had me guessing as to how this all would end...I was confident I had sussed it all out until the end when I'm proved wrong...bravo Ms Lark. 

As a début psychological thriller, it's one to make you sit up and take notice. It's twisty, disturbing and will leave you floored. 

***arc generously received courtesy of One More Chapter via NetGalley***

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  • 13 December, 2019: Reviewed