Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

3 of 5 stars

Endurance is a prequel novel, and it’s really quite a quick read. If you’re looking for something fun and fast then this is perfect for you. If you’ve played any of Prey (or the Gmods for Prop Hunt really) then you’re probably going to be familiar with the core concept of Endurance.

Endurance is an interesting sort of novella. It’s a prequel but unlike many prequels it doesn’t start off at a slow pace. You’re thrown into the action and forced to learn as you go, much like the characters themselves had to do.
It took me a little bit to get into it – things sort of felt like they had started in the middle of the actions, so there was a lot to learn and very little time to do so. That probably would have been fine on its own, but there’s a good chunk of info dumping and terms used at the earlier parts that you have to sort through. Plus there’s the whole resemblance to Mimics and Prey.
I’ll be honest with you: at first I was frustrated by the similarities. But the more I thought about it the less it bugged me. You see, I really wanted to like Prey but founding it missing the teeth and storyline that I was really hoping for. So if there was any chance that Endurance could deliver on that hope…well it made it worthwhile to try.
Once I settled in and really gave this novella a try I found myself enjoying it. Endurance has two main perspectives, two brothers actually. They’re both dealing with their own issues, and yet in the end they end up coming up against the same unknown foes.
While one of the storylines in Endurance is fully wrapped up, the rest is left off for future telling, likely because it’s the prequel. Still, considering the jarring beginning it was somewhat disappointing to have it end in what felt like the middle of a story. On the bright side it did a good job of making me want to continue reading, so I’ll probably keep my eyes on the rest of the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 18 June, 2018: Reviewed