Carpe Demon by Julie Kenner

Carpe Demon (Demon Hunting Soccer Mom, #1)

by Julie Kenner

Kate Connor is your average, everyday mom with two kids, a husband, and one very big secret ... she used to be a Demon Hunter.

Now retired, she's more interested in the domestic than the demonic. So when she catches sight of a demon in WalMart, she tells herself it's some other Hunter's problem. But when that demon attacks her in her kitchen, retirement is no longer an option.

Now Kate has to kick a little demon butt, figure out why the creatures are trying to take her out and take over her home town, and at the same time take care of her 2 year old, deal with a hormonal 14 year old, get the family to Mass on time, and try to keep her past a secret from her daughter and her husband.

She's a little out of practice, but hey ... if she can juggle two kids and an impromptu dinner party, ridding the town of demons should be a piece of cake. Like the saying goes, Carpe Demon ... and Kate intends to do just that.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

As Charlaine Harris puts it this "shows you what would happen if Buffy got married and kept her past a secret" It's a lot of fun and the main character is quite witty.

I enjoyed the read.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed