Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

The Last Summer by Brandy Bruce
A story of friendship and love
My rating is 5 stars

Sara’s mother had a beautiful photo with Psalm 113:3 on it hanging on the wall. When asked about it, she told how this verse reminds her to always praise the Lord no matter what – that He has everything under control. This verse was woven throughout The Last Summer in such a way that was encouraging and so hopeful.

Sara was pretty much incredible, yet flawed. She was so devastated when her best friend Luke started dating Debra because she had been hiding a crush on him for years. Yet she showed wisdom and maturity when she responded by stepping back from him to be sure she didn’t come between them. Not many women could do that, especially not as graciously as she did.

Sara’s anguish came across so tenderly. I was very moved and close to tears. I was also very hopeful that things would work out well and loved the way she clung to her faith and prayed through her pain and continued to show such kindness to Debra (except that one time when she said something she regretted.)

With lives intertwined in such a special bond, the seven friends’ relationship made me just a little jealous! The way they did life together and stood by each other through thick and thin… Wow! There was so much to like about each of them. I can’t wait to read more about them in the next novel that comes out.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I would like to thank Singing Librarian Book Tours for giving me a copy of this book. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 18 July, 2018: Reviewed