Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Picking up a couple of weeks after the last book, Impact starts with Dean finally getting to meet members of the Congregatio de Sacrifico. Unfortunately, what should be a rather positive learning experience is turned into mayhem when most of the members have visions of multiple deaths. It looks like there's going to be a plane crash at the air show, where the pilot and a crowd of 60+ people die with many more injured. But no one can figure out why the plane goes down, and Dean was actually the only one to have a vision of the pilot whom he's never met. Now, all they can do is keep the pilot grounded until the air show is over, but their tricks can't keep working.

Impact is the best of the series thus far and definitely the most exciting! There's a lot on the line if Dean and the other CS members can't figure out what's going to happen at the air show to cause so much death and destruction. It doesn't help that each time they manage to avoid the incident, another wave of visions hit, only postponing it by another 24 hours. Something just wasn't adding up, but Dean eventually figures it out! I was suspicious of one character in particular, but couldn't figure out how they'd have any effect on what was happening. It's certainly a good twist, and have a feeling they'll appear again later.

I really enjoyed Impact, and this series seems to be getting better and better. I'm loving the new little details about this gift/curse that are being revealed and watching Dean grow more comfortable with it, even when it's making him vastly uncomfortable (having to touch a bunch of random old ladies!). This installment was also interesting because it showed the "dark" side of having this gift: someone who wants to use it for personal gain. I hadn't even thought of that, since I would be too freaked out over having to see strangers die! But it's an interesting notion.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 18 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2014: Reviewed