Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Vanessa Clark is a student at the University of Buffalo working on her undergraduate degree in psychology. One of her elective classes is in the psychology of sex, and the professor assigns a paper. So Vanessa picks a topic, BDSM she knows nothing about and makes a point to understand it to the fullest. Vanessa also uses this assignment avenue for self-discovery.

Will Astin is a Dom and works as a dungeon master at the local BDSM club in Buffalo. He has a high stressful job as a FBI negotiator. He is a hot and sexy man who has everything but a sub in his life. When a college student comes in to learn about the lifestyle, Will is intrigued by her. He enjoys spending time with her but the age difference bothers him.

The chemistry between Will and Vanessa is blistering. The sex scenes were hot and spicy. Will and Vanessa had a connection that neither seemed to expect but I loved that they both embraced it. What I enjoyed is that both were willing to make changes to their lives to make a relationship work.

I found this story very well written. The main and secondary characters were interesting and engaging. I really loved how Vanessa and Will not just connected but were willing to make a relationship work. This story comes across as realistic. I hope we get to see more of Rod, Will’s friend in a future novel.

Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books

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  • 31 March, 2014: Reviewed