Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Having had prior experience with M J Nightingale’s work I was excited to receive a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. I was expecting her latest work to be just as good as her prior works and I must say I was not disappointed. Beautiful Bounty can be considered a chart topping book.

This is the first book in the Bounty Hunter series and it is a great start to what appears to be an exciting series. This installment is a steamy and sizzling read that is filled with drama, suspense and romance. This is the type of story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you turning the pages as you are eager to find out what’s going to happen next.

Beautiful Bounty tells the story of a young and beautiful soon to be college graduate, Veronica Sears, who has been framed for drug smuggling by her good for nothing ex-boyfriend. She was granted bail and was mortified when she discovered that the person responsible for securing her bail was the last person she expected to ever see again. Nick Marino is every red blooded female fantasy. He never forgot his first encounter with Veronica as such when the opportunity came for him to ensure that she did not skip bail, he was happy to take on the task. The chemistry between these two is explosive at best. They tried to fight their attraction, but this proved to be an exercise in futility.

I found the character to be delightful, except for Veronica’s ex. He is the ultimate scumbag. He is selfish, greedy and spoilt. My favourite is Veronica. She is feisty and opinionated. She is not the type to sit back and wait for someone to prove her innocence. She is determined to take matters into her own hands. She found it difficult to trust; a trait that would be difficult to fault her for in light of what her ex did to her. I loved the way her family stood by her throughout her ordeal.
It was interesting to see how the author incorporated the characters from her Secrets and Seduction series into this title, allowing readers to catch up on what has happened in their lives since their stories were written.

Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable read. This is an amazing story that will leave you craving for more. I am eagerly awaiting the remaining books in the series. If you love romance that’s filled with drama, intrigue and love scenes that sizzles, then Beautiful Bounty would be a great fit.

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  • 13 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 December, 2014: Reviewed