Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

Let me begin with how I got into this series. Like most bloggers out there, we discover new books through each other and that's exactly how it was for me. Plus the whole "soft side" to BDSM was intriguing. Let me just share that I rarely read books that have BDSM, Fifty Shades was my first introduction to that. So, I was intrigued to see how there was a softer side. I really enjoyed the first book in this series, Unexpected Angel, so of course, I couldn't wait to read the next one.

This book can be read as a stand alone, but I suggest reading the first one. You'll get a better sense of ALL the characters, since the first book is about Tasha and Dylan. And this book picks up right where the first one ended, just the way I like the next book in a series to begin.

Holly was definitely not my favorite character ... at first (I still don't know how I feel about her), based off what had happened in the first book, everything she put Tasha through, it's pretty much unforgivable. And as you will see, Dylan is very hostile towards her and bless Tasha's heart for never giving up on her. I don't think I could be that forgiving. Holly has quite the battle to get through; drug abuse, betrayal, walls upon walls of letting people back in.

Tommy; his stalker-ish ways are kind of creepy, but also .. endearing? Well it's obvious, when you begin the book that there is some sort of pull towards Holly and he can't figure out why. But ever since he found her in a pool of blood, he feels the need to protect from everything and everyone. He goes to crazy extents to take care of her.

I loved Holly and Tommy's relationship, even though it did take a while for it grow, which is the way I like it to happen in my stories. He helps her grow and get past all of her demons, it wasn't an easy road, but it all helped their relationship growth. I just love everything he does for her, he's a top-notch guy in my book!

I enjoyed this book, there were some points where it lulled a little bit, but for the most part, it flowed well. I know that BDSM is a part of their story and series, but it almost felt unnecessary in their story ... not really sure how to describe it. The way that BDSM played a role in the first book, in comparison to this one, it's quite different. Or maybe it's just me?

And last but not least, C-L-I-F-F-H-A-N-G-E-R ending ... and a Liam (who happens to be Dylan's brother, not Tommy's best friend), I can't wait to hear more about that story!



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  • 25 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 25 October, 2013: Reviewed