Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

When this tour came up I thought why not, why not read something that is not in my normal remit on a day to day basis. I am glad that I did!

This book is part of a series called The Jerusalem Spy series, and I have not had the pleasure of reading the first books, so off I toddle, however, these are all standalone books so you aren’t missing out. This story does not shy away from the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. This book is very ‘now’ with the war and conflict happening.

The forefront of this story is the disappearance of the Isreali Prime Minister, as he boards a new stealth submarine, this was meant to be a happy celebratory day. Nope, instead one of the most claustrophobic places to be, a submarine, disappears without a trace. What could be more intense than that! Ever since the days of Tom Clancy’s The Hunt for Red October, submarines now terrify me.

Sometimes with this genre it gets heavy, your concentration starts to wain and it can be stilted at times, however with this book I found it easy to read (Google is also my friend) and the pages just flowed.

Being a political thriller made a nice change for me, as I do enjoy this genre and I love to learn more information on a political system and how it works especially in different regions. The wealth of knowledge and research done for this book was immense and fantastic. Despite my learning, I was on the edge of my seat as we are propelled through the story into the unknown.

The ending, well goldfish gulping.. hello! That was me! I did not see it coming, and it just topped this in-depth political thriller off. No words.

I read a Q&A with the author, where he was asked how would describe his book in one sentence what would it be? (His answer sums the book perfectly)

The Israeli and Palestinian peoples hope and quest for peace.

Q&A held on On the Shelf Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 9 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 September, 2018: Reviewed