Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

Imagine, One minute you are happy, you have the love of your life, you are in a job which you enjoy, and you hear a scream and go searching to see what it was, get tired and have a nap, burnt to death for a crime you did not commit. The next thing you know, you have woken up DEAD!
That is exactly what happens to Justine, she literally wakes up dead, no heartbeat, cold and with scars. All thanks to Mr Frankenstein. He made a deal to his other monster to make a bride for him.
Justine has a new name and new life, but she starts remembering what happened in the life she had before death and it isn’t long before she is back to the place it all started.
This was an absolutely brilliant story. I have not actually read the original Frankenstein book but everyone knows about the monster he created.
Bride audiobook is narrated by Becca Ballenger, I must say I enjoyed her reading of the book a lot her voice kept me captured throughout. Her performance was great, she bought life into each character and it felt like I was right there watching everything happening.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 15 July, 2019: Reviewed