Reviewed by leahrosereads on

4 of 5 stars

I obviously can't give any details because even beginning in issue 2, if I brought up anything plot wise, it would be spoiling issue 1. What I will say is that I definitely recommend this series. The topic is so important in today's society, and I think that DeConnick does a very good job at depicting the topic in a sensitive and harsh way (if that makes any sense).

We learn more about the characters in this issue, and Kam is honestly such a strong and fantastic main character. I'm...enjoying isn't the right word, but I'll use it because my vocabulary isn't that strong...enjoying following Kam's journey in this horrific setting.

Her power is palpable in every page and panel.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2018: Reviewed