The Creature Garden by Zanna Goldhawk, Harry Goldhawk

The Creature Garden

by Zanna Goldhawk and Harry Goldhawk

The Creature Garden is an illustrator’s step-by-step sourcebook for drawing and painting 50 real and imagined creatures in a whimsical folk-art style. With an embossed cover, striking endpapers, and extraordinary interior illustrations, this beautifully crafted book is a unique piece of art in itself.

Husband-and-wife illustrator team Harry and Zanna Goldhawk, the founders of Papio Press, teach you how to make vibrant paintings of these beautiful beasts and fictional fauna:
  • Mammals, including big cats, wolves, sloths, and red pandas
  • Marine life, including whales, sea dragons, narwhals, and giant Pacific octopi
  • Birds, including peacocks, cranes, owls, and flamingos
  • Insects, including butterflies, moths, bumblebees, and damselflies
  • Mythical creatures, including mermaids, unicorns, dragons, phoenixes, centaurs, and hippogriffs
  • And more!
The Creature Garden begins with the basics, first instructing you on which tools to use, how to create patterns, the importance of keeping a sketchbook, and even avoiding comparison with other artists. The book then navigates through each illustration in a step-by-step manner that is manageable and easy to understand. Each project carefully guides you through each phase of the artistic process, from creating an outline to adding a realistic animal pattern.

You’ll also learn how to draw botanical patterns from different environments—the garden, forest, jungle, and ocean—that enable you to surround your animal drawings with a natural environment.

Full of lush warmth and fairy-tale wonder, The Creature Garden is a wonderful addition to the repertoire of both seasoned artists and novices alike.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Creature Garden: An Illustrator's Guide to Beautiful Beasts & Fictional Fauna is a tutorial art book from husband & wife team Zanna and Harry Goldhawk. Published by Quarto - Rock Point with a release date of 29 May, 2018, it's full colour 120 pages and available in hardbound format.

One thing that struck me straightaway about the book is its exuberance. Both prose and illustrations are humour filled and supportive, encouraging shy artists to try different techniques and challenge the way they see things in order to improve their art.

The authors also show different basic techniques and materials for following their tutorials (including digital painting). The emphasis is on not following the lessons slavishly but finding methods which work for the individual. I also really loved that Zanna (who apparently wrote the text) talks honestly and encouragingly about her own learning process and growth as an artist.

The book starts by introducing materials and techniques and the different effects they can produce. The intro and tutorial chapters take up about 8% of the page content.

The lion's share of the book (~85%) is taken up with the illustrated drawing pages and tutorials for specific animals. I like that a lot of them are painted in gouache/chalk on a black background. The contrast makes it easier to see the techniques and provides a good counterpoint to the pages done in colour on a white background. There's even a comprehensive chapter for fantastic creatures including mermaids, griffons, dragons, hippogriffs and pegasi.

There are also detailed botanical drawings throughout the book to provide scale and setting to the animal drawings. Toward the back of the book, botanical and plant subjects get their own chapter with a good explanation selecting and drawing plants to provide mood and environmental context.

Really lively and fun book, accessible and encouragingly written. Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 31 May, 2018: Reviewed