Pieces of Eight by Melissa Wright

Pieces of Eight (The Frey Saga, #2)

by Melissa Wright

Nowhere to turn.

The story of Frey continues in this, the second book of the series. 

Frey had lived in a world where humans were fairy tales. A world where she believed she'd been wrongfully accused.

All that had changed. 

After revealing her dark history, Frey has no choice in her allies. Her old life is the enemy. She needs their protection.

Forced to join with a group of strangers whose pasts seem to intertwine with her own, she struggles to regain her memories and her full power, only to find there is more danger on the other side.

Except now, there is no going back.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

If you read Frey, you probably wondered (like the rest of us) what exactly was going on with Frey. Why was her magic bound? Who were these ragtag group of elves and half breeds willing to help her? I'm happy to say, with Pieces of Eight we get a lot of information as to how Frey ended up in the state she's in.

As Frey's memory continues to come back in pieces, she's still plagued with blackouts, which also tend to happen after a new revelation about the past is given to her. So as she deals with the blackouts, she also must deal with the fact that pertinent information about what is happening with the Council and her crazy Aunt is being withheld from her.

If dealing with all that weren't enough, Frey also discovers the history between herself and Chevelle. And while that discovery helps her understand the feelings she has for him, it also gives her some insight into the struggles he faces and he comes to grips with the fact that she doesn't remember anything about them.

While a shorter read that Frey, this was more enjoyable because we had more information about what was happening and why and exactly what that meant to Frey. While the ending closed out many of the questions I had from the first book, it does leave it open for the author close out the trilogy with how the Northern lands move forward after the fall out in Pieces of Eight.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 14 May, 2012: Reviewed