True Evil by Greg Iles

True Evil

by Greg Iles

When an attractive new female patient walks into the surgery of Dr Chris Shepard, a busy young doctor in Natchez, Mississippi, his idyllic life is ripped inside out.

Shepard's visitor is undercover FBI agent Alex Morse. She tells him his beautiful young wife of one year has been seen visiting a local divorce attorney. And this attorney has a group of clients whose wives and husbands have all mysteriously died. Just as Morse suspected, Shepard knew nothing of his wife's visit.

Morse's proposition is simple: will Shepard help the FBI trap the murderer

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

Another great Greg Iles book! The scheme is pretty complicated, and I think the scope of the government’s involvement wasn’t explored enough. Apparently, the good guys didn’t care who sent the helicopter for the bad guy in the end. I also wish he’d explained how some of the non-cancer deaths were caused, like Grace’s. But overall, it’s a great suspenseful novel.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 October, 2007: Finished reading
  • 28 October, 2007: Reviewed