The Souls of Rain by Diana Nixon

The Souls of Rain (Heavens, #1)

by Diana Nixon

The secrets of the heavens had always been carefully guarded. Until one day when the angels realized that what they used to believe in was nothing but a cruel game between heaven and hell.
And Claire's life is a part of that game too....
She is a guardian angel. She always thought that her existence was perfect. But perfection is a very relative term, and no one is protected from making mistakes.
Everything changes the moment Claire gets a new assignment. Guarding humans has never been easy, and this time won't be an exception.
Alan Rosenford is a spoilt party-boy, whose life is a hurricane of risk and adrenaline rush. His soul is damaged, his heart is bleeding, and there are so many things he prefers to keep private....
The words they have never said before ....
The sins they have never committed....
How much does forgiveness of the heavens cost?
Or maybe even the heavens make mistakes?...

Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading The Souls of Rain and after reading this I am really looking forward to what happens next in the trilogy.
Being a Guardian Angel seems to be hard work for Claire, she has to slay demons who are trying to make her assignment do bad things so they eventually go to hell but things are changing.
Claire gets her new assignment and as soon as she sees him she realises he can see her but how? her powers of invisibility just aren’t working on him so she tells him she is his mothers friends daughter.

The truth comes out eventually and when she thinks Alan will freak he doesn’t he starts falling for her. If she reciprocates this will mean she will be called to Heaven and lose her wings making her a Fallen Angel.

There is so much more to this story, with the different ranks of angels and demons and why does Nolan practically stick to Claire like glue and help her so much? It all starts to make sense towards the end of the book but there is so much more to come.

This was really well written, I was not sure to expect when I picked the book up as Diana Green is a new author to me but wow she has captured me hook, line and sinker and now I cannot wait to read more.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2014: Reviewed