Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this latest offering from Mark Nolan and once again, I got to spend time with Jake and his dog Cody.

Jake received his law degree and is now a practicing lawyer. He believed he could now abandon his life as an assassin and focus on his law career. However, he would learn that leaving this life behind would not be easy, has trouble always comes knocking. Whether it was through missions for the CIA or from someone who may have a beef with him. In addition, he faces the prospect of his relationship with Sarah ending has she feared that his line of work placed both him and his loved ones in danger.

Meanwhile, a deranged killer, dubbed the Random Killer because of his MO, is on the loose. The killer came on Jake’s radar when he murdered his neighbour and friend and attempted to frame him. Jake has taken it upon himself to hunt him and bring him to justice.
His decision to track the Random Killer would place him in the killer’s crosshairs placing himself and those in danger.

Once again, Cody stole the show.  I just love that dog. Protective, loyal, intelligent and adorable. Jake is not bad himself 😉. I can see why Sarah struggled with her decision of whether to stay with him despite considering the fact danger follows him everywhere.

Fast-paced and action packed, Killer Lawyer, had me on the edge of seat. The villain was one scary dude. The fact that you had no idea when and where he would strike and who his next victim would be, added to the intensity of the story. This was not an easy book to put down. I had to know how Jake would deal with this latest threat. Unlike the previous installments, the action scenes were more realistic and did not appear over the top.

I loved how the author blended the emotional and suspenseful aspects of the story. A particular scene almost brought me to tears. I am happy things worked out.

I found the characters authentic and relatable.
I had fun reconnecting with characters from the previous installment and meeting new ones. I enjoyed the camaraderie Jake shared with his friends, but the relationship, which stood out, was the one he shared with Cody. These two were in tune with each other. They knew when the other faced danger and would die protecting each other.

Although I enjoyed this latest installment, I found the tying up of the story as it relates to the serial killer anticlimactic. I cannot go into details, because to do so would result in spoilers.

I would recommend this latest installment to fans of thrillers. This is one of those stories where the outcome is not what you expected. Overall, a great read and I am looking forward to the next book.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2019: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2019: Reviewed