Little Wing by Calista Brill

Little Wing

by Calista Brill

No matter how hard Little Wing tries to fly, he always flops ...until one day when his fluttering takes him above the clouds and far away-maybe too far away! Lost in the sky, Little Wing has to find his way home. But thanks to a special someone, he learns the importance of dragon rules. And with a helping wing to guide him, Little Wing can be flip, flop, fearless! With Calista Brill's sincere story and Jennifer A. Bell's vibrant illustrations, Little Wing Learns to Fly is utterly convincing as a sweet coming-of-age tale. Fans of Finding Nemo and Giraffes Can't Dance will love rooting for Little Wing as the little dragon that could. Children and adults alike will get carried away on Little Wing's journey home!

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Little Wing is an adorable character and while learning to fly can also have lots of other independent but safe connotations to Littles as they grow as well as entertain. My children loved being introduced to Little Wing. We would love it if this is the first of many Little Wing books as it is a character we would follow.

Review book, honest opinion.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 15 August, 2016: Reviewed