Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Taylor Hamilton is a balls to the wall ice queen who forces everyone to follow her rules. She learned the hard way that is better to control every aspect of her life rather than leaving anything to chance or to someone else's whims. One man threatens that control, Adam Kirliss.

Adam has wanted Taylor since the moment he laid eyes on her. What did he see? Someone who was just like him and maybe wanted the same things he did. But to get through to Taylor, he has to break through that icy exterior to find the passionate woman she has buried deep inside. The woman he likes to think of as M. Can he break through to her and show her there's more to life? Only time and a little spanking will tell.

Adam was a character that, as a reader, I wanted to connect with. You could tell there was so much more to this man (other than the BDSM scene in his library) and I really wanted to know what it was that made Adam tick. Unfortunately, we didn't get all that much character development on him.

I didn't like Taylor. Couldn't connect with her and really didn't like how she acted as if she hated what Adam was forcing her to do, yet secretly loved it. If you like it, fess up to liking it and then be pissed at him later for making you reveal such a secret.

If you like a little intense BDSM with your boardroom romance, this one is for you.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 November, 2011: Reviewed