Kiss Me in Paris by Catherine Rider

Kiss Me in Paris

by Catherine Rider

Serena Fuentes won't waste one moment of her whirlwind trip to Paris. She has it all mapped out, right down to the photos she will take, and the last thing she wants is a change in plans.

Yet suddenly she's touring the city with Jean-Luc, a French friend of her sister's boyfriend. He has to take pictures of his own if he ever hopes to pass his photography class, and his project totally slows Serena down. Why can't he get with her program?

One minute they're bickering, the next minute they're bonding ... and soon they're exploring corners of Paris together that Serena never imagined. When it comes to love, sometimes it takes a different lens to see what's right in front of us.

A romantic adventure for anyone who sees the possibilities in a spontaneous tour of the City of Lights with a charming French stranger, and anyone who's ever wondered if true love is waiting on the other side of the ocean.

Catherine Rider's delightful follow-up to Kiss Me in New York will sweep you off your feet.

Reviewed by kymmiejournals on

4 of 5 stars

Serena thought that falling in love with someone who is simple and easy is enough to be happy and satisfied.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest book review.

At first, I don’t understand why Jean-Luc and Serena argue a lot when they even chose to be together exploring Paris. Well, Serena doesn’t have a choice, she needs a tour guide while Jean-Luc is working on a project. But as the story comes to conclusion, you begin to understand the challenges they faced before and how are they reacting to it or why the Romance tour wasn’t what Serena expected and why it sucked.

A lot of disasters happened on Serena’s trip and she’s on a verge of tears and desperation when they went in a boat tour where for the first time she seems to have fun and forgot something important to her, something that made her go to Paris in the first place, to which she felt miserable after.

She was also contemplating the concept of being with someone who will truly see her for who she really is.

Reveal Full Review!


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  • 25 August, 2018: Reviewed