Crafting Authentic Paper Flowers by Longhurst, Sophie

Crafting Authentic Paper Flowers (Crafts)

by Longhurst, Sophie

The delicate art of paper flower craft has been around for centuries, originating in China in 100BC. Since then, the art has remained a powerful tool in calming the mind and encouraging a slower pace of life.

Whatever your background, lifestyle or commitments, this book contains projects to nurture your personal skill set. Step-by-step instructions and inspiring illustrations will guide you through the process from start to finish.

Paper crafting is an accessible hobby that can be easily practised at home by everyone of all ages. Whether you're looking for a rewarding activity to share with your children, or something to help you unwind after a long workday, paper flower crafting is a perfect choice.

Use your newfound skills to create your own decorations for display or pleasure, and discover the wonder of nature in all its glorious detail by paying special attention to the colouring, textures and intricate details of your projects.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Crafting Authentic Paper Flowers is a very well written and attractive crafting guide with tutorials by Sophie Longhurst. Released 30th Nov 2021 by Pen & Sword on their White Owl imprint, it's 144 pages and is available in paperback format.

This is an exceptionally pretty book full of inspiration and amazingly realistic papercrafted flowers which are actually honestly authentically realistic. The tutorials are arranged in increasing intricacy (roughly) and the book begins with general techniques and directions, tools, supplies, and tips for getting the best results. The intro is followed by 20 fully illustrated tutorials for specific flowers with step by step directions (and lots and lots of clear colour photos). The author has also included a number of good tips for arranging and -using- the flowers after they're created.

Full size templates are included with the book. There are no stockists listed, but most well stocked crafts/hobby/arts type stores will carry most of the supplies called for in the tutorials.

Really beautiful flowers which really look authentic. Elegant and understated.

Five stars. This would make a great selection for makers groups, hobbyists, creative types who are interested in paper sculpting, as well as public or school library acquisition.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 November, 2021: Finished reading
  • 30 November, 2021: Reviewed