Encyclopedia Brown by Donald J. Sobol

Encyclopedia Brown (Encyclopedia Brown, #18) (A Bantam skylark book, #17)

by Donald J. Sobol

Suspects who are identical twins...

A leaking tent...

Magical worm pills...

A zebra's portrait...

And a sheet of toilet paper from Spain that's been swiped!

These are just some of the ten brain-twisting mysteries that Encyclopedia Brown must solve by using his famous computer-like brain. Try and crack the cases along with him--the answer to all the mysteries are found in the back!

Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

5 of 5 stars

In a fit of nostalgia, I'm re-reading my way through this series.  I've always loved Encyclopedia Brown, and I remember back 30 or 35 years ago I was  always running to the library to see if they had any new ones.  They're fast, they're entertaining and very well-written.  It's so easy to devour one in a half-hour and yet you're just as satisfied as if you read a full length novel. 
So, this review will sum up the series for me:  great for kids, and even better for adults.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 22 January, 2016: Reviewed