The Girl Without Magic by Megan O'Russell

The Girl Without Magic (Chronicles of Maggie Trent, #1)

by Megan O'Russell

Death would have been easier, but the Siren wasn't through with her.

A paradise without fear or want—that is the promise of the Siren. But the time has come to purge her Realm of those who have spent their magic.

The Siren dragged Maggie Trent out of a battle and into her Realm, a land where secrets hide in the shadows and pleasure comes at a price Maggie is unwilling to pay. Worlds from home and with a past she’ll fight to forget, Maggie hides from those who want to protect her. When Maggie’s new life begins to unravel, following Bertrand Wayland may be her only chance for survival.

With Bertrand’s promise of adventure in new worlds, and a chance for riches beyond her wildest dreams, Maggie leaps into a journey of blood and romance.​

Enter the Siren’s Realm, where your heart’s desire is only a wish away, and death lurks around every corner.

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

4 of 5 stars

Lets take a trip to the Sirens Realm where adventures are to be found and lessons to be learned.  We meet Maggie who is swept into the sirens realm in the middle of a battle with her friends.  She is not sure how things work their so she keeps her true identity a secret until a nasty storm comes to wipe away all that angered the sirens.  After the storm clears off on a adventure out side the stitches of the sirens realm maggies goes.  Her true nature will be tried and tested as she risks herself among a group of wanders on the brink of being destroyed. 

This story is unique as we don't get a whole lot of world building or much in the way of explanation of the sirens realm.   Most of the story focuses on Maggie and Bertrand adventure with the Wanderes.  I am eager to see what other adventures are awaiting our characters and just how if possible Maggie will get back to her world. 

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 14 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 14 March, 2018: Reviewed