72 Hours by Bella Jewel

72 Hours

by Bella Jewel

It's all part of his sick game. A game he's been planning for an entire decade. Now everything is perfect. A male and female have been selected. They have a history and can't stand one another. They are the perfect victims. He doesn't want the game to be easy. He wants to push them to the brink of insanity, to make his hunt real. Now the hero and heroine have been captured and dumped into a massive wooded area. There's just one rule. They have 72 hours to find a way out before the sadistic serial killer begins his hunt. And these two people who don't trust or even like each other must rely on one another to escape - and to survive.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


This is an almost perfect cover. It's a good representation of the story. It's eye-catching and original. The composition is fairly good, but AGAIN we have the author's name two sizes larger and in the prominent place that the title should be. If I've said it once I have said it a million times. The largest text on a book cover should be the TITLE. My graphic design professor's head would have exploded if he saw something like that back when I was in school. *lol*

This book gets ALL the christ on a cracker stars. It was fabulously written. Amazingly paced. Had twists and turns. Had a little bit of romance. Had two strong and likable main characters. Had a twisted as fuck baddie. I COULD NOT put this thing down! In fact, I read it from cover to cover all in one go. AND the best news...there is going to be another book with a whole different twisted fuck coming out sometime this year. You can sign me up RIGHT NOW. Two HUGE thumbs, fingers, toes, legs...up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 22 March, 2017: Reviewed