More Than Once by Elizabeth Briggs

More Than Once (Chasing the Dream, #4)

by Elizabeth Briggs

A sexy standalone romantic comedy from a New York Times bestselling author.

I’m done being the bad girl. I quit the band I played bass for and moved back to my hometown. Now I’m going to prove to my family that I’ve really changed.

Getting fired on Christmas Eve and dumped by my boyfriend wasn't part of the plan. Neither was running into Andrew, a one night stand I’ve never been able to forget.

But I’ve got a great idea. Andrew will pretend to be my boyfriend for the holidays. With those boy-next-door good looks and his charming smile, my parents are sure to be impressed.

It’s all fake. We both know this. Until Andrew shows me he’s all bad boy in the bedroom and suddenly we don’t want to pretend anymore.

Can we make it work this time?

Reviewed by ellieroth on

5 of 5 stars


Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Todo libro New Adult tiene su Becca, esa chica "fácil" y medio loca ex del sexy protagonista, chica que por alguna razón "termina mal" y es la excusa que dicho muchacho usa para alejarse en algún momento de la protagonista. Siempre, pero siempre son usadas como balance de la protagonista, la "buena chica" que logra cambiar al mujeriego e irresponsable. Subliminalmente, o quizás no tanto, meten en nuestra cabeza que una chica así no merece ser feliz, siempre es ÉL el que se redime.

Y es algo que detesto con toda el alma, porque la doble moral con la que tanto escritores y lectores toman contra este tipo de personajes es enfermiza. Elizabeth Briggs corrige esa horrible costumbre en More Than Once de una manera espectacular.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 23 April, 2016: Reviewed