10 Steps to Fashion Freedom by Malcolm Levene, Kate Mayfield

10 Steps to Fashion Freedom

by Malcolm Levene and Kate Mayfield

Avoid fashion mistakes and look and feel good for every occasion. Instead of quick-fix beauty make-overs, this book provides a personal image makeover which is long lasting and confidence boosting. For both men and women, this book offers essential insight into learning how to present yourself, complete with case studies and client profiles and a programme of exercises and information about body awareness, health, style, fashion and colour. In ten style sessions, you will learn to: question your tastes in "passionate beginnings"; create your personal style statement - how would you like to be perceived?; heal your image wounds - creating a healthy relationship with your body and wardrobe; create your "inner style inventory" - recognizing your assets; take an aesthetic field trip - go window-shopping; understand how fashion trends have nothing to do with personal style; and experiment with colour - creating harmony and security in your wardrobe.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Interesting look at people's clothing decisions, orientated to the business market it's still an interesting read. However a lot of the book is theory without any concrete answers, some illustrations would have been useful. I think the biggest thing you could take from this book is the fact that you don't have to be a slave to fashion, but that knowing that what feels good on you will make you feel good about yourself is much more important.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed