Meteorite by Tim Gregory


by Tim Gregory

Every rock has a story tell, and none more so than those which have fallen from the sky: meteorites. Originating in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, these rocky fragments offer clues not just to the earliest origins of the Solar System but also to Earth's very survival into the future.

Sky at Night presenter, Dr Tim Gregory takes us on a journey through the very earliest days of our Solar System to the spectacular meteorite falls that produced 'fiery rain' in 1792, to the pre-solar grains (literally stardust) that were blown in from other solar systems and are the oldest solid objects ever discovered on earth.

Meteorites reveal a story much bigger than ourselves or our planet. As Tim says, 'it is an epic beyond compare'.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Informative and Poetic. Gregory knows his subject extremely well and knows how to explain it well to an audience that doesn't necessarily have near the academic pedigree in the field that he seemingly does. Ostensibly a story about the space rocks that land on earth, this tale is part history, part chemistry, part theoretical astrophysics, and a whole lot of detailed yet understandable explanation of how all of these fields interact as it relates to the subject at hand. I learned more about chemistry from reading this book than I *ever* understood from my high school chemistry class. Very much recommended.

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  • 21 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 September, 2020: Reviewed