Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Marrying Chrissy by Melanie D. Snitker

From fake relationship to forever love

Chrissy, Emma, and their mom had been taking care of each other pretty much Chrissy’s entire life. Because that is what family does. With Emma’s health issues, they had made choices to stick together and pool their limited resources. I loved seeing the closeness of their family and the relationship they had and the way they were so open and honest with each other. No secrets.

In this touching story, Chrissy and Wyatt had known of each other for several months as he came to her coffee shop but they didn’t know each other personally and had never really spoken beyond the placing of his order. So when he asked her out of the blue to be his date for his grandmother’s birthday, she was stunned and quickly declined. I’m so glad that accepting his offer was not something she did right away. Her hesitation made me appreciate and admire her all the more.

Chrissy was very protective of Emma, both her health and her heart. She had sacrificed so much for her sister over the years and didn’t even realize it. To my mind, that is the best kind of sacrifice – the kind that does it and doesn’t dwell on it. The way Jesus told us to not let the right hand know what the left is doing.

Wyatt had a noble dream but it involved going against what his parents expected of him. Despite growing up “privileged” and never experiencing the lack of anything money could buy, he didn’t really care about money.

This was a sweet story.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I was given a free copy of this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 11 September, 2018: Reviewed