Six Days of the Condor by James Grady

Six Days of the Condor (Condor) (Coronet Books)

by James Grady

The classic spy thriller about corruption in the CIA that inspired the hit film and TV show: "A master of intrigue" (John Grisham).

Sandwiches are a part of Ronald Malcolm's every day, but one just saved his life. On the day that gunmen pay a visit to the American Literary Historical Society, he's out at lunch. The society is actually a backwater of the Central Intelligence Agency, where Malcolm and a few other bookworms comb mystery novels for clues that might unlock real life diplomatic questions. One of his colleagues has learned something he wasn't meant to know....Read more

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

2 of 5 stars

One of my favorite movies of all time. A letdown of a book. Good thing Lorenzo Semple Jr. got hold of the screenplay and made it into the movie he did. The strange sexual politics, which works with Redford and Dunaway, does not work here. But one thing I like: the book is set in Georgetown and Alexandria instead of New York. That’s pretty neat.

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  • 19 March, 2018: Reviewed