Treasury Of Victorian Murder #3 by Rick Geary

Treasury Of Victorian Murder #3

by Rick Geary

'Geary returns with another typically superlative work... Artfully precise reconstruction... A Delight!' - Publisher's Weekly starred review. The infamous story of the Lizzy Borden murders reproduced here in Geary's distinctive style.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Geary's offbeat (quirky?) style of drawing and droll writing never fail to deliver. I have owned this book for years and read it when I bought it, but had to sit down and read it again yesterday when I saw it as I was cleaning up and rearranging in the library at home. Certainly not every book which you intend to flip through 'just a few pages' can suck you in so thoroughly that you finish them in one sitting, dusting cloth forgotten on the table in front of you! :P

I love the weird juxtaposition of his goofy drawings and the horrific subject matter. As all his books with which I'm familiar, the background research is meticulous.

I really really really enjoyed this book. I am generally not a fan of true-crime type books, but the distance of time and the gentle drawings (as opposed to photos) make Geary's work very appealing to me.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 September, 2015: Reviewed