Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

***IT'S ALIVE!!!***

Where do these "Hot Bosses" hide?

4.5 Stars

I like reading about office romance’s because I pretty much put them in the “Fairy Tale” category. This is because I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever… had a boss I could fall in love with. Even thinking that puts a distinct shiver up my spine. If they’re not married, they’re significantly older than me. A lot of my bosses have been female and I do not bend that way. So, for me, falling for a boss, who’s hot, has plenty of money, dresses well and is bossy in a sexy way is definitely out of my realm of possibilities.

This was my first story by M.R. Field and I was pleasantly surprised how much I was sucked in. Her characters were humorous, the storyline kept my attention from start to finish and my emotions were played with…in a good way. Sure, there were times that I was cranky and upset but they were equally balanced out with wit and steam. I have no problems getting past my cranky if you can bring on a good grovel, or your wooing hits the spot. Lucky for Cole, his grovel and woo were top class and even I was shaking my head at Letty when she took too long to forgive him.

I get a wee bit excited when I come across an Aussie author who manages to show us in a good light without us sounding like Steve Irwin. Not one *Crikey…*, plenty of *Mate…* and only one marsupial was mentioned and he was not the furry kind (wink, wink). This could have a lot to do with the setting, as Melbourne is a very exciting, modern and fun place to be in. It has a hint of “True Blue” mixed with style, character…and COFFEE!! I’m from Brisbane (a couple of hours flight away) and even I admit to Melbourne being better when it comes to dining and shopping.

Story-wise, I think this was one of the best books I’ve read this year. I’m a sucker for a hero that’s been in love with the heroine for years. Both Cole and Letty have known each other since they were kids. Cole loved her and she loved him, but with the four year age gap, it was never going to happen when they were young. Then, their world fell apart…

Years later and things have CHANGED!!!!!

I loved the concept of Letty’s DNR (Do Not Respond) emails. I wish I was the kind of person who could bite my tongue and keep my feeling to myself. I’m not sure I could write them down after and feel better for it. Maybe, you could call me a hothead, I think I’m more of an open and honest, not one to beat around the bush, kind of person.

Do Not Respond was a great read. I was invested in their romance from the very beginning. Getting to know Cole and Letty better, finding out their history together and apart, and seeing them work through their problems was a great adventure. The additional characters were fun to get to know, and I hold a special place in my heart for Cole’s mum and Letty’s parents. They gave a great mix of quirky, embarrassing and loving, that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing. There was plenty of steam that had my heart pumping and I was squirming as I read. Again, I felt like I was reading a fairytale as the copy machine was witness to a wee bit of shenanigans.

If you’re looking for a new author to check out, wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of sexy office shenanigans, and like to touch down in Aussie land, I highly recommend Do Not Respond. I will definitely be back for more from this author.

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2018: Reviewed