Working for the Devil by Lilith Saintcrow

Working for the Devil (Dante Valentine, #1)

by Lilith Saintcrow

Dante Valentine's working relationship with the Devil began on a rainy Monday. Dante's a licensed Necromance, one of the best ever to survive training, and she's got an emerald embedded in her forehead to prove it. That's why the Devil sends his minion to hire Dante to kill Vardimal Santino, a fugitive demon. As Dante points out, Necromances don't kill people, they bring them back; or at least their ghosts. But turning down Lucifer isn't something you do if you want to stay alive, and besides, it turns out she's got a score to settle with Santino. Desperate to track down an enemy she can't find, Dante is bonded with a demon familiar she doesn't trust and a small band of psychics who seem almost as determined to help her as she is to refuse their help. The thing is, Dante doesn't need friends, she needs a miracle. Because the first time Dante Valentine met Santino, she almost died.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

Dante Valentine is the best necromance there is, and she is called by the Devil himself to do a job for him. This job is to kill the guy who just happens to be a demon that killed one of her friends. She is paired up with a demon named Jaf. She sets out on an adventure that takes her clear across the world to get this guy. Meanwhile she has a run on with her ex, a member of the MOB family. So between evading her old feelings for him, and finding her friends killer/demon, and figuring her feelings for Jaf, it turns into a wild ride all the way around for Dante. Great book, loved the world setting the plot and the character the ending left me a little sad though, but we will see how the other books go.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2012: Reviewed